Sunday, March 29, 2009

Keeping it Couth

So, now that we've established this blog, let me say a few words about my recent trip to Florida to see the relatives.  There are a few things I discovered while with "The Fam"...

~ it's been 23 years since we were all together at the same time
~ couth is actually a word, (vs. uncouth)
~ my older sister is still a control freak, as evidenced by the neatly printed calendar of events for the week that was presented to us when we arrived
~ept is not actually a word (vs. inept)
~ my older sister is still bossy and gets really pissed when you don't go along with her plans
~ you can tell when she is really pissed at you because she won't look at you
~my great-great-great-great grandfather was born in captivity after his mother and siblings were captured by indians following an uprising... I think his father was toast after the uprising
~ my older sister is still very creative and helped show me how to do some really swell stuff with polymer
~ the same sister actually gets more emotional that I do  (I thought it was humanly impossible for anyone to get more emotional than me, but imagine my surprise when she was the one welling up while I was dry-eyed)
~ armadillos can run pretty fast
~ my brother really has lost all his front teeth... with the exception of one bottom tooth... and has no funds for dentures
~ my brother looks at least 10 years older than me, although he's a year younger... guess the missing teeth don't help
~ my family used to call me "toothpick" when I was a little kid... yet another thing to bring up with my therapist
~ I can still make both my sisters snort when they laugh... and my older sister snorts the loudest
~ I can still make my brother laugh... he doesn't snort, but it did bring tears to his eyes
~ there's still such a thing as a "kids' table" although we dubbed the other one the "table of the ancients"
~ my younger sister is still the most normal one... if any of us can be called normal

So, those are the facts, ma'am... just the facts.

Now that wasn't so bad... or was it?

The Names Have Been Changed to Protect the Innocent

This blog was created to protect the innocent.  On occasion we have all spent time with our families and then felt a strong need to vent afterward.  But, sadly, if your family already knows your blog address, where do you go?

To...   "The Blogfodder"

This is a super duper secret site, the location to remain undisclosed to our closest relatives.  But, you few lucky readers have been given the exact location.  You are encouraged... nay, EXPECTED... to regale us with tales of uncomfortable situations into which you've been thrust by relatives.  All we ask is that you change the names to protect the innocent.

Happy Writing and Happy Reading!

Super Secret Blogfodder


For those of you who have super secret stuff you want to vent about your family, this is the blog for you!  It has been created by a few of us who made the mistake of giving our families our original blog addresses.  Silly, I know... what were we thinking?

We still have some sensitivity in terms of not wanting to totally offend our relatives by writing true things about them.  (Weren't we always told to tell the truth, though?)

It is fitting that we name our blog "The Blogfodder" as it brings to mind an evil overlord of the family secrets.  I give full credit to my sibling, who shall remain nameless, for this title.  (As you may guess, I have nothing untoward to say about this particular sibling.)  Of course, some other evil genius must have already had that great idea, as that particular URL was already taken... you will henceforth find OUR site at:

Should you feel a profound urge to share your own pathetic story on this blog, let us know!

Recalcitrant Child